誰是敵人 Enemy who ?

昨天自由時報的自由廣場有篇「馬總統的敵人 在哥本哈根」的文章,說到馬總統也在「哥本哈根氣候會議」發聲,這應該是好事對不對?但一看內文,馬總統的名人投稿標題叫「現在大自然是主要敵人 Now nature is the main enemy」,說:『現在台灣的敵人不必然是對岸的中國人民(the Chinese people),而是氣候變遷導致的災難。所以今後台灣軍隊要以救災為主要任務云云...』


Now Nature is the Main Enemy by President Ma Ying-Jeou

As a result of climate change, disaster like Morakot are not the unusual now, so we have to prepared for the worst. The military's job of course is to defend Taiwan, but now our enemy is not necessarily the Chinese people across the Taiwan Strait, but nature.

Taiwan armed forces will have disaster prevention and rescue as their main job. They have to change their strategy, tactics, their personnel arrangements, their budge and their equipment.

標題也許不是馬總統親自下的,可能是來自這篇報導--Taiwan's Major Threat Is Nature, Not China, President Ma Says。問題不是出在羊毛或羊奶,就是羊本身,所以救災不力被指責還自認無辜,可是把你們當人看呢!


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